There is a lesson for all webinar presenters in NBC news anchor Brian William’s plight. It could happen to you! For those of you who haven’t been online or watching television for the past 3 weeks, let me bring you up-to-date. Brian Williams embellished his experiences as an Iraq war reporter, taking a few liberties with […]
Video and storytelling for webcasts
Great tips on telling your story in this video with NPR’s Scott Simon. There are takeaways here for any presenter delivering presentations via video webcast or audio webinar.
How much time should I spend creating my presentation?
The question “How much time do I need?” comes up alot in the context of preparing for a webinar. What tends to happen is the presenter has a slide deck in hand and they wait until the week before to really start considering the audience needs and reviewing the content. It’s not until the webinar practice […]
Emotion is the Fast Lane to the Brain
If your like me, your first response to the use of storytelling in your presentations is to roll your eyes. You got facts, figures and bullet points to share. You don’t have time for stories. Well, after listening, producing and delivering hundreds of presentations, I can confidently state that the best presenters always use stories […]
Webinar Presentations; The Importance of Authenticity
As part of our effort to bring a repeatable, scientific methodology to our web seminars we have been reading alot of literature on presentation development . Currently I’m reading Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Method; Strategic Storytelling in Business. This is a guidebook that shows how to mine your own life stories to help you connect […]